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  ◊   Ascension'El   

the train of the Ascenif


At the end of 2023, we are entering a new era.

So I suggest you board the ascensional Tchou tchou, the ascensional train, a divinely guided image to describe the alchemical and ascensional process that awaits you when you board.

It is an alchemical process of transformation for personal and individual ascension, above all, for those who feel called.

You will receive: purifications, elevations of consciousness, channeling, vibrational encodings, care and rediscovery of abilities for those for whom the time is right.

Also the collective connection of the group called to come on board is perceptible, it is very important. Beyond matter, we are connected and gathered in a higher frequency space where we receive and connect collectively to respond to our personal and collective missions. It is a real calling of the soul. We meet on other frequencies, and receive what is due.

All who will receive a perceptible and vibrant inner call when they hear or read this invitation are invited to board the train. Because it is a mission of collective and individual ascension.

And for everyone who will hear it, we thank you  🙏💛

We will be guided at each stage, and at each vibrational rise of the period:

  • through the individual sessions that I will offer you (1 per month, per person, for 10 months),

  • and for the whole group through collective encodings that you will receive in a "subtle" and vibrational way - like invisible meetings in a higher frequency dimension. And also in live (and replay) meetings.

Content of the support

  • 10 individual alchemical sessions

You will experience 10 individual alchemical sessions with me, during which you will receive: purification, channeling, vibrational encoding, elevation of consciousness and care.

You can book your sessions in advance or as they come, with one appointment approximately every 30 days (1 per month).

Or 10 individual sessions (1h30/session) over the entire period (10 months).


  • 10 follow-up appointments of 45 minutes (optional)

You also have the possibility to book a 45-minute appointment, in the weeks following your alchemical session, to discuss, encourage, be guided or helped to realize a material reality linked to what you will experience during your ascension.

If you feel the call but it is not obligatory.

I invite you to feel the right moment for you for these appointments, after having experienced the alchemical session. And whether you need it or not.

This is an optional bonus, to be used only if you feel called to do so.


  • Teaching and care

It was shown to me that collective meetings might be held live (and in replay) to receive vibrational encodings and teachings.

Let the Right One do its thing, and everything that must be placed during this accompaniment will be placed as accurately as possible according to the will of the Masters and Guides of Ascensional Tchou Tchou.

  • Vibrational encodings for the group

At any time during the period, you will be guided and accompanied vibrationally through the individual and collective alchemical process into which you have entered. You will receive the right codes and vibrational aids for each important stage of the period.

Let yourself be guided, in Confidence and Gratitude for everything you are going to experience 🙏

Support details

  • Duration of support: 10 months
    Start (1st appointment): the 1st appointment must take place between October 15 and November 30, 2023

  • Individual sessions: 10 individual alchemical sessions, one per month.

  • Duration of each session: approximately 1h30

  • Individual follow-up sessions (optional): 10 follow-up appointments of 45 minutes (optional, only according to the needs of each individual)

  • Teaching and care: according to what is appropriate during the period​, in live format (and replay)​

  • The vibrational and ascensional choo-choo into which you enter to live and facilitate your personal and collective ascension which will take you where you need to be.

Price of support

  • Price: 80€ / per month

      The amount is a vibrational key passed down to me.

      It represents the vibration of 8: I take back my power, I am in abundance.

      It is increased tenfold by the vibration of 0.

The price of this support is €80/month for 10 months.

For what ?

  • Live and facilitate your personal ascension

  • Answer the calls of your soul

  • Experience collective ascension while being fully in your place

For who ?

  • For all those who will receive a perceptible and vibrant inner call when they hear or read this invitation.

How ?

Through an alchemical process of personal and collective transformation. Over a period and a guided evolution over the next ten months.


How to get on board?

​By registering below, you choose to enter Ascencion'El, the darling of ascension. For this you will offer the amount of 80€ upon registration for the 1st month then you will be debited each month for the next 9 months. 

Your registration gives you immediate access to make appointments for your individual sessions (which you can book in advance if you wish). To reserve your dates, see below after registering.

By registering, you choose to enter the Ascension'El alchemical and vibrational process.
Everything you will experience from your registration and over the next 10 months will be vibrationally linked to your boarding of the ascensional Tchou-Tchou. 

Thanks for being here 🙏 And welcome aboard.




Every month

Valid for 10 months

Once you have registered, you can book your sessions: 

To book my individual 1h30 alchemical sessions:

Here you can book your individual alchemical sessions (1h30), one per month.

Please ensure that there is a one month delay between each appointment.

Number of sessions: 10 to be spread over the next 10 months starting October 15.

The first session must be booked between October 15 and November 30, 2023. Thank you 🙏

Please favor weekday and daytime sessions in your reservations, as it is important to plan calm and peaceful time to experience your sessions and then rest.

It is not at the end of the day, tired, that you will be best prepared to receive. And I'm not in the best mood after a long day either. It's just natural. Let’s listen to ourselves and our bodies. And back to Essen-Ciel.

This is part of the teaching: returning to the living, to the Sacred. Honor our bodies, our hearts and the living within us. Let's not force ourselves any more.

Grant ourselves the best and put the Sacred at the center of our lives.

By consciously choosing to offer yourself this precious time and integrating it into your material reality, you consciously decide to bring the Sacred into your life. 

In this way you send the Universe the sign that you are ready to put yourself back at the Center of your lives. And to choose you.

Thank you for your Conscious choices 🙏

To book my 45min follow-up appointment: 

Here you can book your 45 min follow-up appointment within 3 weeks following your previous alchemical session.

These appointments are optional and you can make them whenever you want.

It's better not to book them in advance because your need will show up when the time comes, if it shows up. 

A bord du Tchou Tchou : espace Ressources

Bienvenue à bord du Tchou Tchou ! Et découvre vite l'espace où se trouvent et se trouveront les lives et autres ressources transmises au cours du voyage.

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