Who am I ?
My name is Claire, I'm 36 years old. I am in love with Life and the Living.
I work for the Living, for Love and for the Divine.
My life is like no other. I have long explored various parts of the world.
I found myself, first. And now I accompany those who wish to find Them.
I am a channel, healer and soul guide.
Aligned with the stars.
What I propose:
What they say...
My meeting with Claire marked the beginning of a conscious transformation. When I called on her more than a year ago for simple guidance, I had just experienced a burnout and I was no longer able to project myself and see the light. (...)
It was after having followed the lives and the guidance on YouTube which were always correct, the care that I liked to receive, that I decided to be accompanied by Claire.
Following the first and second interview, it is appeasement, connection to one's deep being, alignment between reason and heart. At the same time, it's also a lot of work on yourself, meditation, and letting go. Then little by little you feel yourself growing inside, you reconnect with your aspirations and your dreams.
I have a deep gratitude for Claire, it is she who guided me on the path of my heart, she taught me gentleness towards myself and helped me to regain confidence in my own light by being a beacon for me.
There would be so much more to say...
I very much appreciate what you are doing. My awakening is growing every day and following you on YouTube or the platform helps to open me up even more.
My dear Claire, thank you thank you very much, you don't know me, but I have the impression that my guides brought me to you... You are part of my inner healing. I work on my personal development and my wounds with the tarot. I start my day with your prints so soft and wonderful, I find my child's look, I reconcile with him. Thank you Claire a thousand times
I'm glad I "met" Claire from Divine Guidance on YouTube. Every day I take pleasure in looking at the guidance of the day. Hearing Claire laugh and her soft, calm voice rejoices my soul. I joined the platform without hesitation (and yet it's not my style usually). I appreciate all these magnificent "activities" offered on the platform and particularly the treatments. My body, my mind and my soul revel in these treatments. They make me crazy. I also particularly appreciate having the impression of belonging to a community. And last but not least, I appreciate Claire's benevolence, enlightenment and advice. In short, my whole being is a fan :)))